Mum's the Word
Cordell Walker to wdowiec i ojciec dwójki dzieci żyjący według własnych zasad. Po dwóch latach spędzonych na tajnej misji wraca do domu w Austin, gdzie czekają go o wiele trudniejsze zadania.
14 Głosów
14 Głosów
Sezon 3
18It's a Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding
17It Writes Itself
16Daddy Was a Bank Robber
15False Flag Part Two
14False Flag Part One
13The Deserters
12Best Laid Plans
11Past Is Prologue
10Blinded by the Light
8Cry Uncle
7Just Desserts
6Something There That Wasn't There Before
5Mum's the Word
4Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away
3Rubber Meets the Road
2Sittin' on a Rainbow
1World on a String
Sezon 2
20Something's Missing
19A Matter of Miles
18Search and Rescue
16Champagne Problems
14No Such Thing as Fair Play
13One Good Thing
12Common Ground
9Sucker Punch
8Two Points for Honesty
7Where Do We Go from Here
6Douglas Fir
5Partners and Third Wheels
4It's Not What You Think
3Barn Burner
2The One Who Got Away
1They Started It
Sezon 1
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